"you can get anything you want from people if you approach them the right way...five steps..one, make the mark smile..smile at him, people usually smile back..and once they smile, they relax. two, get him to say yes..to anything..if you can get somebody to say yes to something, he's likely to keep on saying it..you're setting up a pattern so that he associates talking with you with saying yes. then three, make him feel superior to you..it increases his confidence and he'll get careless..this is lulling him into a false sense of security. now he's feeling pretty good around you so you want to reinforce that..so on four, you give him something..like a compliment or half of your candy bar..something that makes him feel like he's the one who's ahead in the conversation. then you move in for the kill..on five, ask for what you want but do it so that he thinks you're doing him a favor by taking it. but don't ever push it..if it's not working, drop it and find another way in on another day" -faking it
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